Management command


create_versions creates Version objects for versioned content that does not have a version assigned. This happens if djangocms-versioning is added to content models after content already has been created. It can also be used as a recovery tool if - for whatever reason - some or all Version objects have not been created for a grouper.

By default, the existing content is assigned the draft status. If a draft version already exists the content will be given the archived state.

Each version is assigned a user who created the version. When this command is run, either

  • the user is taken from the DJANGOCMS_VERSIONING_DEFAULT_USER setting which must contain the primary key (pk) of the user, or

  • one of the options --userid or --username

If DJANGOCMS_VERSIONING_DEFAULT_USER is set it cannot be overridden by a command line option.

usage: create_versions [-h] [--state {draft,published,archived}]
                                 [--username USERNAME] [--userid USERID] [--dry-run]
                                 [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
                                 [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color]
                                 [--force-color] [--skip-checks]

Creates Version objects for versioned models lacking one. If the
DJANGOCMS_VERSIONING_DEFAULT_USER setting is not populated you will have to provide
either the --userid or --username option for each Version object needs to be assigned
to a user. If multiple content objects for a grouper model are found only the newest
(by primary key) is assigned the state, older versions are marked as "archived".

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --state {draft,published,archived}
                        state of newly created version object (defaults to draft)
  --username USERNAME   Username of user to create the missing Version objects
  --userid USERID       User id of user to create the missing Version objects
  --dry-run             Do not change the database