Advanced configuration

For the most important configuration options see versioning_integration. Below are additional configuration options built into versioning.

Overriding how versioning handles core cms models

By default django-cms models will be registered with versioning automatically. If you do not want that to happen set VERSIONING_CMS_MODELS_ENABLED in to False. You could also set that setting to False and register the django-cms models yourself with different options.

Adding to the context of versioning admin views

Currently versioning supports adding context variables to the unpublish confirmation view. Wider support for adding context variables is planned, but at the moment only the unpublish confirmation view is supported. This is how one would configure this in

# blog/
from collections import OrderedDict
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig

def stories_about_intelligent_cats(request, version, *args, **kwargs):
    return version.content.cat_stories

 class SomeConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning_add_to_confirmation_context = {
        'unpublish': OrderedDict([('cat_stories', stories_about_intelligent_cats)]),

Any context variable added to this setting will be displayed on the unpublish confirmation page automatically, but if you wish to change where on the page it displays, you will need to override the djangocms_versioning/admin/unpublish_confirmation.html template.

Additional options on the VersionableItem class

The three mandatory attributes of VersionableItem are described in detail on the versioning_integration page. Below are additional options you might want to set.


This will define the url that will be used for each version on the version list table.

# some_app/
from django.urls import reverse
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig
from djangocms_versioning.datastructures import VersionableItem

def get_preview_url(obj):
    return reverse('some_interesting_url', args=(,))

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning = [


Defines one or more extra grouping fields. This will add a UI filter to the version list table enabling filtering by that field.

# some_app/
from django.urls import reverse
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig
from djangocms_versioning.datastructures import VersionableItem

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning = [


Must be defined if the extra_grouping_fields option has been set. This will let the UI filter know what values it should allow filtering by.

# some_app/
from django.urls import reverse
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig
from cms.utils.i18n import get_language_tuple
from djangocms_versioning.datastructures import VersionableItem

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning = [
            version_list_filter_lookups={"language": get_language_tuple},


If the version table link is specified without a grouper param, a form with a dropdown of grouper objects will display. This setting defines how the labels of those groupers will display on the dropdown.

# some_app/
from django.urls import reverse
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig
from djangocms_versioning.datastructures import VersionableItem

def grouper_label(obj, language):
    return "{title} ({language})".format(title=obj.title, language=language)

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning = [


Versioning modifies how the admin of the content model works with VersioningAdminMixin. But you can modify this mixin with this setting.

# some_app/
from django.urls import reverse
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig
from djangocms_versioning.datastructures import VersionableItem

class SomeContentAdminMixin(VersioningAdminMixin):
    # override any standard django ModelAdmin attributes and methods
    # in this class

    def has_add_permission(self, request):
        return False

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    versioning = [


These allow for the alteration of how a field is displayed, by providing a method, when the admin menu containing it uses the ExtendedVersionAdminMixin.

This can be provided as a dictionary of {model: {field: method}}.

model - the model which is registered with an admin that inherits ExtendedVersionAdminMixin field - field to be modified method - the method used to modify the field

# some_app/
from cms.app_base import CMSAppConfig

from .models import SomeModel

def transform_text_field(obj, field):
    return obj.field + " Extra Value!"

 class SomeCMSConfig(CMSAppConfig):
    djangocms_versioning_enabled = True
    extended_admin_field_modifiers = {SomeModel: {"text": transform_text_field}}